Posts Tagged: law

Which DC Lobbying firms are using Twitter, which aren’t, and why they all should be

Washington, DC law and lobbying firms maintain practices which are so specialist in nature, that they are extremely well suited to use Twitter as a platform to attract and retain clients.  Below I outline which of the top 20 DC

Which DC Lobbying firms are using Twitter, which aren’t, and why they all should be

Washington, DC law and lobbying firms maintain practices which are so specialist in nature, that they are extremely well suited to use Twitter as a platform to attract and retain clients.  Below I outline which of the top 20 DC

A basic business development checklist for lawyers and law firms

Below is a basic overview of what law firms and individual practitioners should be doing to sell their services and secure new clients.  Put these basic efforts in place at your law firm or for your individual law practice, and you

A basic business development checklist for lawyers and law firms

Below is a basic overview of what law firms and individual practitioners should be doing to sell their services and secure new clients.  Put these basic efforts in place at your law firm or for your individual law practice, and you

How to leverage your social media efforts to secure more clients

In today’s modern world of the provision of legal services, it is imperative that lawyers, law firms and law firm practice groups establish and maintain as strong a social media presence as possible.  The ability for solo practitioners to senior

How to leverage your social media efforts to secure more clients

In today’s modern world of the provision of legal services, it is imperative that lawyers, law firms and law firm practice groups establish and maintain as strong a social media presence as possible.  The ability for solo practitioners to senior

How to identify numerous saleable services from within your law practice

Lawyers can significantly increase the number of potential clients they might be retained by, if they are able to effectively identify numerous saleable services from within their legal practice. Identifying saleable services from within often complex legal specialities is a

How to identify numerous saleable services from within your law practice

Lawyers can significantly increase the number of potential clients they might be retained by, if they are able to effectively identify numerous saleable services from within their legal practice. Identifying saleable services from within often complex legal specialities is a

How to Write Proposals that Secure New Clients

Introduction Should you undertake a properly organized legal business development process aimed at identifying, contacting and meeting with new prospective clients – you will have in hand the information necessary to produce superior written proposals (when requested) which will underscore

How to Write Proposals that Secure New Clients

Introduction Should you undertake a properly organized legal business development process aimed at identifying, contacting and meeting with new prospective clients – you will have in hand the information necessary to produce superior written proposals (when requested) which will underscore

How to conduct effective sales meetings with prospective clients

Once you have initiated an active legal business development initiative by identifying your saleable services from within your practice areas, then contacted and secured meetings with new prospective clients based on opportunities or dangers specific to them which you have identified and seek to assist them

How to conduct effective sales meetings with prospective clients

Once you have initiated an active legal business development initiative by identifying your saleable services from within your practice areas, then contacted and secured meetings with new prospective clients based on opportunities or dangers specific to them which you have identified and seek to assist them